Friday, January 22, 2016

Advertisements Get me EVERY TIME!

So of course on this free day we have I have consumed NOTHING but TV and Social Media OMG!
So a couple of products that have stood out to me on TV are the Advertisements for weight loss. Ive seen numerous of commercials but for some reason its almost like because they know everyone is in this weekend they want to show nothing but weight loss products. Like have y'all seen them or is it just me?

The Advertisements are almost insulting if you ask me. They are stressing it so much to the point where I kinda want to start doing crunches while i blog lol. They make it seem like you need to be working out or you wont be happy. One commercial is so intense I think they were aiming for men. Most of these workout commercials are all females. They have the females doing all the work, as if all we do is sit on our asses all day and need to be working out.

 My response to these advertisements is ^@%@$^ lol. Even though I drink my flat tummy tea and wort of work out, this blog makes me a hypercritical lol. I really think that the media tries to portray this everybody needs to be thin in order to fit in idea. I hate that society makes us women especially feel as if the way we look is never good enough. UGH 

I think these advertisements tie into the video watched in class on *likes* because, if you think about it, we are told to look a certain way in order to be *Liked*. all these advertisements are suppose to get you down and out about the way you look, motivate you to work out and get thin, then show the world so you can fit in. I think its a bunch of BS. In the video they talked about how certain pictures and how if they dont get alot of likes we take them down because we think people don't like them because they only get 1-10 likes. I am very guilty of that so I could defintely relate. I think society especially the new generation and those to come need to change our mindset. Being comfortable in your own skin should be how we think, but media is so big and so persuasive its almost impossible to tell someone they are cute nowadays without them thinking your joking. 

But I could go on and on. 
Love you for you! 
You are beautiful/handsome don't let anyone tell you different 

1 comment:

  1. I'm curious what you were watching when they were showing all the diet ads. Did the channel or type of show have something to do with these female-oriented weight loss ads? Good tie-in to Generation Like, nice reflection.
