Monday, January 18, 2016

Media and Women

The media has a major affect on women. to me I think that the general message of the media to women is that we are a joke. To me the image they have of the way women should look is a joke. There are more thin women in the media then there are thick or big girls. If there are big women in the media they are playing degrading roles. Like the movie precious (watched that over the weekend). This movie is about a big girl who is raised in a rough area and mother who doesn't really care for her well being. Precious is portrayed to be this nasty, always eating and just sloppy female. To me that is degrading. On top of that she is an African American female. I think they give certain roles to certain people based on the race (sometimes) because if you think about it the movies (pitch perfect & tammy) those heavy set women are funny and relatable. But in all those films named the one thing they have in common is the overall picture that you get from the big girls on screen. Women are a joke.

To me I think that media and sociology play hand in hand an that there can be a lot of possible theories (if not already there) that come from media and its affect on society. Media is nothing but technology and that is advancing everyday. I think that our world our society is some what corrupt by media. Everything is accessed via media. Schools are now accessed through media. We have classes that are taught on sites that you can only access if you have a computer or phone. To me because media plays such a big role it creates a utopia almost. its like it shows you the finer things in life and make things that are "outside the norm" seem like its so wrong.

Since way back when, women have been looked upon as weak, and that they have to listen and obey. The media still portrays that way if thinking to a certain extent. There are some goods to social media and women though. Like we are starting to get more roles in films and TV shows. You are starting to see more equality in the roles on TV. Both men and women are working and taking care of the home and children (if they aren't having issues). I am hoping that as technology advances, so will the way society looks at women and women look at themselves change.

 "Fat Amy" is the funny big girl in the movie who it seen eating sloppyiy at one point in the movie.

Tammy is the big girl in the movie that has no job and just doesn't care about life and cannot take care of herself
and this is precious the African American big girl that gets portrayed as a sloppy eating big girl from the projects.

1 comment:

  1. Nice reflection! Are you aware of any advocacy groups or media-related social movements that aim to increase the presence or positive representations of women in film?
