Monday, February 8, 2016

Comedy? Why comedy though?

The last movie I watched was Baber shop (actually watching it now because I am about to got to bed). But this movie is rated PG-13 and it is a comedy. I completely understand why it is a comedy. The characters in the movie are all mostly comedians. I don't remember when this movie was advertised but based on looking at the pictures and trailers from when it was bein advertised you can tell it was going to be a comedy. Its almost like when they want to draw in a articular audience or draw in people period they advertise the HIGHLIGHTS of the movie. Scary movies are the worse. When they advertise those movies its almost like they leave us no suspense anymore because all the good parts be in the commercials so its spoiled. When a movie is made into a comedy it should be funny. The audience should be laughing at least 50% of the movie. I think that's how the reviews are made. Movies who come out and they say NOT YET RATED its because they are still trying to see what genre it fits in best with. I think that they should show movies to us first then rate them in a genre. Because these scary movies nowadays are not scary they are more funny. But that's just me! (Opinionated link on what makes a movie a comedy)

1 comment:

  1. Indeed, trailers have conventions too, and those are also genre specific! It is always a bummer when the trailer has all the laughts in the comedy film or all the scares in a horror film. Then you go see the film and all of the best parts were in the trailer.

    How do you think they would show movies to us first and have us choose the genre? I think you've stumbled upon a good idea for a YouTube channel. Make trailers in one genre for movies in another genre, like these:

    The Forrest Gump, Dumb & Dumber, and The Shining ones are my favorite.
