Monday, February 22, 2016

Why don't I see anybody that looks like me on tv?

So as we know I'm Black ... This particular topic is sensitive to me because learning what I learn and seeing that I see on a daily bases is a bit heart breaking yet something I have to accept! On MOST of the tv shows and media that I consume all I see is white, white male, white female, white kids, white white and then a spec of color. Now as discussed in class I am going to focus on the movie (series) transformers because out of ALL the movies I have watched (and I've seen a lot) this movie brought some serious racial disparities. You have robots that are saving the world... Let me break this movie down real quick:

You have the robot that saves the world who is most likely white . Then you have the other one who is the guardian who is also mostly white. Let me tell you why I think they are white ... Because the ones that are supposed to be another color "act" like they are another color. The supposed "black" robot comes off as mean, ready to kill, and cursing like no other. His first line is "what's cracking bitches etc. etc."! And then you have Sam lol who ask why does he talk like that ? Now we all know that that robot was suppose to be the black robot but why? Like first off why do we have to be the only one cursing ? Why do we have to be extra? Let me give another movie example:

The scary movies that come out... A large percent of scary movies the blacks that are in those movies DIE FIRST or die in the most stupidest way ... Ex. (One missed call, Scream etc.) this is because black people are seen as being stupid. (In my opinion).

Because of how society looks at African Americans as a whole when we make it into movies most of the times we aren't portrayed in a good way (to hood, killing people) or we don't get the lead role. We are in the background and the "helper" of the star in the movie. Ex. (The show super girl and the Areow) I love those shows but the black guy in both shows are the helpers of the hero and the other is a police officer that still HELPS the main character! Now that show is for women so I have nothing against it. BUT African Americans cannot star a big role in movies or tv shows that have a all white cast ... Not going to happen because either we aren't going to see it or it's going to get a lot of flap about it. Most of the shows I watch are predominantly black cast BUT they either ratchet (love and hip hop) or its so much drama that it's ridiculous (Empire) but I love it. And I think that happens because of how African Americans are portrayed. The scary movie series with the Wayne brother is pure stupidity ... But that's because that's what we are good at let them tell it. So why not give people a reason to laugh ? Smh but this is all my opinion. Let me know if I'm wrong !
And another thing why is it that the Latinas have to be dumb! They are either dumb or they are slutty . They can't be the smart ones ... I'm complaining about blacks but there is hardly ANY shows or movies with Latina/o characters and they are the star of the show. Smh
This article has some great facts and I just hate that it is like that!


  1. I totally agree with what you are saying girl! I would like to see other young women in school ad doing good for them selves , the don't have any t.v shows about that. I think it should be more of that, because honestly I get tired of seeing our race get dragged in the dirt.

  2. Excellent post. I like how you analyzed Transformers in particular and reasoned that a couple of the robots were white because the other one acted non-white. Also that study you linked is visually stunning. One of the comments there made the point that although those racial numbers are roughly equal to racial demographics in the USA, that argument ("but it's demographically accurate!") falls apart when you do like you did and look deeper and realize that whites are almost always given the lead roles and portrayed positively (in lead roles at least) and non-whites are not. There is a local independent movie, Atlanta Zombie Apocalypse ( where a black character is the only one alive at the end. Although he's hardly in the movie, and the movie is 95% white otherwise, I felt that this was a clever way to challenge the trope that the black character always dies in horror movies.

  3. I definitely see where you are coming from. You asked about shows with smart Latinas and that made me think of Jane the Virgin. She is a smart Latina who isn't slutty. You should check it out.
